Courses included

Property Management Basic 

You'll be equipped with all the necessary resources to effectively address issues related to water damage, mold damage, and tackle and manage odor problems. These challenges are frequently encountered, and you'll be well-prepared to excel in handling them.
Courses included

Property Management Intermediate

You will acquire skills in restoring properties affected by various forms of damage, including water damage, odor elimination, mold damage and contamination, fire damage, and smoke mitigation. These are the prevalent types of property issues encountered in the property management sector.
Courses included

Hospitality Basic

You'll be equipped with all the necessary resources to effectively address issues related to water damage, mold damage, and tackle and manage odor problems. These challenges are frequently encountered, and you'll be well-prepared to excel in handling them.
Courses included

Water Mitigation Technician 

Embark on a comprehensive journey to become a highly skilled and well-rounded water mitigation technician, gaining in-depth knowledge and practical expertise in the art of mitigating water losses and adeptly handling any unforeseen issues that may arise during the process.
Courses included

Structural Mitigation Technician 

Acquire a comprehensive education to become a skilled mitigation technician. This training will equip you with the expertise needed to effectively address fire and smoke damage, as well as water damage and mold issues. These represent the three most common scenarios encountered by mitigation technicians.
Courses included

Senior Care Basic

Gain expertise in the techniques and procedures for restoring properties afflicted by water damage, mold issues, and unpleasant odors, while also mastering effective control strategies. This knowledge forms the essential groundwork for maintenance technicians working in senior care facilities, as they will frequently encounter these challenges.
Courses included


Gain knowledge about the frequently encountered property damage situations, and you'll acquire essential skills in addressing fire and smoke damage, water damage, and mold damage. This forms a strong foundational training for aspiring entry-level technicians.
Courses included


Begin your journey as a technician with the unwavering assurance that you can effectively mitigate 90% of losses encountered. Acquire expertise in techniques for addressing water damage, fire and smoke damage, and microbial damage in affected properties. Enhance your knowledge by mastering the art of eliminating foul odors.